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Dr. Jenny teaching on Revelation at Xtreme

Hey everyone just a quick reminder that Dr. Tim Jenny will be teaching tomorrow night at Xtreme Ministries at 7:30 PM. Dont miss this opportunity to hear this awesome and pratical explanation of Revelation. Here is an excerpt from his commentary found in the Full Life Bible Commentary.

"Many people have observed that the Fourth Gospel contains no apocalyptic eschatology (unlike the Synoptics) and none of Jesus' extensive teachings on his return (e.g. Matt. 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 17). Instead, it emphasizes how to live the Christian life on earth. In our opinion, this is also the message of Revelation: how to live like a Christian and how to die like one. Its apocalyptic language and imagery are only the vehicle, not the message. Its message is prophetic, and very little of it was actually futuristic. John reminds his audience that God shares in their suffering and promises to deliver them soon. In the meantime, they are to strive to be 'faithful witnesses' and to worship the real King of kings and Lord of lords...People want to know something about the future, Christians no less than others. Unfortunately, many Christians have tried to forces answers from Revelation it was never designed to gie. It was written to teach us how to live for God in the present, not to provide raw material for idle speculation about the future. We will earn far more if we let this book shape our agenda, rather than forcing it to submit to ours. (Full Life Bible Commentary 1535,1542)."

Our services for this guest speaker are Wednesday night at 7:30 PM, Saturday at 12:00 PM and Sunday morning at 11:00 AM

Our address is 1596 Ft. Campbell Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042 next door to the Queen City Beauty College.

Also visit us on our website


Please Pray for Mike and Lori Goldman

Hey everyone Mike and Lori are having a difficult time with health and work issues. Please pray that God would heal Mike and give comfort to Lori in this difficult time.


Prayer for Gloria Cotten

Hey everyone just got this from one of Michael's intercessors. Please be praying for Gloria.

"July 20, 200710:55 am

Dear Team,I just received a call from Michael and Gloria Cotten. Gloria has continue to have headaches since her hospitalization for meningitis several weeks ago. Last night her temperature went up to 102 and she is now on her way to her regular doctor in Cary. Please be in prayer for her and for Michael. Updates will follow as information becomes available.Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding, abundantly more than we can think or glory forever!"


Hey everyone just a quick reminder of the events that we have coming at Xtreme Ministries

July 29th I will be preaching at Lighthouse Ministries

August 1st at 730 PM, August 4th at 12:00 PM, and Sunday service at 11:00am
Dr. Tim Jenny author of the Full Life Bible Study Commentary on the Book of Revelation will be speaking at our church on the Book of Revelation and its application for life today. He is an awesome guy who really understands the Grace and Mercy of God. You wont want to miss this teaching on Revelation. I have read lots of stuff and heard lots of sermons on this topic, but none come close to the very down to earth exposition that Dr. Jenny gives on this book of the Bible.

August 12th or August 19th in case of xtreme weather conditions. The time is TBD
Baptism Celebration. We will be baptizing about 10 people at the Billy Dunlap Park off of Needmore Rd. Immediately following the Baptism will be an afternoon filled with food, fun, and sports. Please invite everyone you know to partake in such an important event in the lives of these new Christians.

August 19th or September 2nd
Immediately following our Baptism we will be starting our Sex in the City Series. This is a 5 week sermon series that will address sexual issues in the church. Topics will include: The sexual state of our city, Pornography, Sex according to the Bible…a look at the book of Song of Solomon, How to have the Best Sex possible, and a Q&A session where the congregation can ask all the questions they have concerning sex in the Christian Life.

August 24th-26th
At the end of the month of August we will be having the Prophet Clem Ferris back. Friday night Clem will be speaking at 7:00PM and then Sunday Service at 11:00 am. If you have never heard Clem Ferris preach and prophesy you wont want miss this!

August 25th Clarksville Prayer Group

September 9th I will be preaching at Brother Gary Kenny’s church Faith Christian Center



Marks of Apostolic Churches Part II

Last week we took a couple of the qualities of Apostolic Churches from the book 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Church. This week we will look at a few more.

1. Impart and Stir gifts
"It is quite common for apostolic churches to have altar calls where people come forward for blessing as well as an impartation through the ministry of laying on of hands. This impartation can be for blessing (Gen 48:14-16), wisdom and authority (Deu 34:9), healing (Matt 8:3), for the deaf (Mark 7:32), for signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), to receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17-19), to send out (Acts 13:3), for prophecy (Acts 19:6), special miracles (Acts 19:11-12) and many more reasons.

2. Pioneers
"The word first in reference to the apostles is the Greek word proton meaning, those who are first in time or place. Apostolic churches are proton churches who will, through faith, press into the unknown and unfamiliar territories in the realm of the Spirit. They are the ones divinely called to go first. They press through the dimensions that might feel uncomfortable to the religious so as to make a way for others to follow. Apostolic churches as proton believers have an anointing to breakthrough and to clear a path for others to follow.

3. Team Ministry
"Our culture values individual accomplishment, and encourages and promotes individualism. In life we typically compete against one another in efforts for job advancements, sports, and all sorts of other activities. This is not so within apostolic churches who will not promote some sort of individual stardom. Apostolic churches are champions of cooperation and not competition. They understand the unique value of every member in the church. Although it is appropriate to acknowledge that there are team leaders, the success of the team does not depend on one team member alone."

4. Builders
"Apostolic churches are masterbuilders in the realm of the spirit. After the spirit work is complete it then manifests in the natural. Much work is done preparing the foundation. When a building is built, what the structure rests upon must be solid and able to withstand the weight of the building. The Holy Spirit gives these masterbuilders revelation and strategies. They teach the church the value of being interrelated, codependent, networkers, who are called to make a way for apostolic direction, sending and empowerment. They are apostolic fathers to a fatherless generation. They lead the church as a front-line, cutting edge, battlefield soldiers and pioneers for Christ, preparing the church for a glorious future."

5. Spiritual Fathers
"I come from a generation of preachers who grew up in the ministry without the benefit of a spiritual father. Like thousand of others we have had to glean whatever information we could through books, tapes, videos, seminars, conferences and brief encounters with men of God as they are hurried off platforms and away from people. How I often wonder how much more effective I might have become if I would have had someone who was not so busy to take a personal interest in the call of God on my life. Apostolic churches carry the heart of a father, just as the Apostle Paul had a vested interest in the success of his spiritual son Timothy, and they too, will be concerned with your success. Become a spiritual son or daughter in the house of God and let that apostolic fathering spirit build you up."

"Under our current traditional method of having 'church' we do everything we can to draw people to our buildings for services. An inherent danger with that model is the continual shuffling of religious people from one church to the next. Unfortunately, we still have not come into the understanding of going out and compelling them to come in. Jesus said 'go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled' (Luke 14:23 KJV). Apostolic churches keep evangelism at the forefront of their purpose. They break out of the four walls of the sanctuary onto the streets and into the homes carrying the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an apostolic church, it is not about bringing the lost to the church for the pastor to lead them in the sinner's prayer, but rather to take the gospel to them (Acts 2:14, 5:12, 6:8, 8:5)



Hey guys Mike Goldman is having complications with his surgery and back in the hospital. Please pray for him and his speedy recovery.



Hey everyone dont forget about Dave Bunker preaching at Xtreme this weekend. Dave Bunker is one of the keynote speakers for Godmen.


Marks of an Apostolic Church Part I

I was reading a book called 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Church by Jonas Clark and it had an awesome description of what is an Apostolic Church. I would recommend getting this book and reading it and considering what type of Church you serve in. I would like to comment on some of the characteristics that an Apostolic church will have which are:

1. They will have a Reforming Spirit
"They have a high level of spiritual boldness as they oppose and tear down religious idolatry, form and vain religious traditions. They are highly committed adn dedicated to advancing the cause of Christ. They attack the giants in the land of religion, divination, racism, witchcraft, antichrist, Jezebel, etc. Apostolic churches carry spiritual authority, use it, and have a vision for reachign all nationals with the gospel."

2. They will be Free
"There is a bondage that comes from false precepts to our approach to God. Religion has taught us that God is so holy that He must be approached in some kind of humble, quiet, and religiously pious way. Apostolic churches have a divine ability to destroy the yoke of religious condemnation and legalism that hinder people from freedom to enter into worship and praise towards the Lord"

3. They will be Warriors
"Apostolic Churches attract, recruit, gather, train, and prepare the saints for spiritual battle"

4. They will be Working Churches
"This is not the spectator type of ministry. When you come into an apostolic church, they will probably put you to work pretty soon. An apostolic ministry is that which rolls up its shirt sleeves, get down in the trenches and is not afraid to get their hands dirty."

5. They will give Identity
"There is such a struggle today with people who are grasping for their identity. They are so uncertain about themselves, their relationships, their self-worth, and their purpose...Apostles and apostolic churches bring identity to those who are wondering where they fit it...Apostolic churches will help to bring you into a place of identity that will give you a sense of connection and purpose."

Books for July

Simply Strategic Growth...Attracting a Crowd to Your Church by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan.

The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio

Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender

Spiritual Warfare for every Christian by Dean Sherman

The Bondage Breaker Neil Anderson

Victory Over Darkness Neil Anderson