Lessons We Must Learn From the Aussie Church An American pastor who has lived in Australia for 21 years believes we should take some spiritual cues from the land Down Under.
Jack and Carol Hanes were forced to make lots of cultural adjustments when they arrived in Australia in 1987. The couple moved to the Sydney area from Arizona to start a church, knowing that the Christian population was tiny. They soon learned that if they were to be successful in this very secular society they would have to modify their American style and do things the Aussie way.
As it turned out, the Aussie way worked pretty well.
Today, Jack Hanes is the director of missions for the Assemblies of God (AOG) in Australia, and the group has become the largest Protestant denomination in the country. Currently the AOG is planting one new church every four days in the country—an impressive statistic when compared to the sluggish growth of churches in the United States.
“[Jack] Hanes dreams of a day when the same innovative approach to ministry that transformed the churches of Australia will one day sweep across America.”
Hanes’ own congregation, Penrith Christian Life Centre, located 40 miles north of Sydney, has grown to 2,000 members since he and his wife started it 21 years ago with a handful of believers meeting in a hotel. Meanwhile, the massive Hillsong Church, also affiliated with the AOG and located in Sydney, has grown to 20,000 members and is one of the most influential churches in the world because of its popular worship recordings and TV broadcasts.
This week I asked Hanes, who is 55, what he believes American pastors could learn from the Aussies’ out-of-the-box approach to church. He gave these seven reasons why churches are growing Down Under.
1. Christians aren’t religious. The typical Australian is a lot more earthy and irreverent than his formal British counterpart. Because the country was started as a penal colony, it doesn’t have a churchy culture. Hanes says this can be an advantage when you are trying to reach unbelievers with the gospel. People don’t dress up, they don’t wear hypocritical masks and they tend to be bluntly honest. “It’s refreshing,” Hanes says.
2. They have a wild, daring spirit. Americans fell in love with Aussie wildlife expert Steve Irwin, the infamous Crocodile Hunter who died in 2006, because of his playful and audacious taunting of dangerous reptiles. Hanes says a similar willingness to take risks characterizes the Australian church, which is less mired in tradition than American church groups. “Aussies don’t have to be safe and secure. We know God wants us to risk everything. We could not do that if we weren’t crazy,” Hanes says.
3. They are aggressive about church planting. Several years ago AOG leaders in Australia began to focus on multiplying their movement rather than just maintaining churches. They did this by eliminating useless denominational bureaucracy. Today every major leader in their organizational structure in Australia is a working pastor who is involved in a hands-on way in church planting. There are no “fat guys sitting behind desks in denominational offices making $300,000,” Hanes says with typical Aussie frankness.
Hanes makes a painful comparison between Australia’s lean church-planting machine and the multilayered AOG hierarchy in the United States. He says one Aussie minister visited the AOG’s headquarters in the U.S. four years ago and learned that leaders were celebrating the fact that they had millions of dollars in the bank—even though church planting was flat. “Can you imagine if Jesus came back and we had millions in the bank?” Hanes asks. “I’d rather we had no money in the bank because we had used all the money for missions.”
4. Their worship is fresh and vibrant. Worship from Australia has dominated the Christian music scene since the mid-1990s, after Hillsong Church’s band, led by Darlene Zschech, first released their popular chorus, “Shout to the Lord,” in 1993. Today Hillsong music encircles the globe, its annual worship conference attracts 40,000 people and their youth band, Hillsong United, is setting trends for Christian teens. Hanes’ wife, Carol, says she believes God’s anointing has stayed on this Aussie music because it is based in a local church—not in a music industry that is driven by sales, profits and concert schedules.
5. They give sacrificially. Unlike those in the United States, contributions made to churches in Australia are not tax-deductible. Yet many Aussies give extravagantly to missions and church-planting ventures. In 2007 Hanes’ church gave more than $1 million to missions and started more than 700 churches in India. “And church leaders here don’t ask the people to give what they are not willing to give themselves. We lead by example,” Hanes adds.
6. They focus on youth. Australia is a young nation, and Hanes’ church mirrors the population: The average age in his congregation is 27. “I don’t know of one church in Australia that is filled with old people,” he says, “except some of the mainlines.” Aussie Christians see the potential of giving young people ministry credentials so they can pioneer churches.
Hanes points out that in Iraq today, 19-year-old soldiers lead squads of 48 men. They are trusted to fight battles for us. “Yet we won’t let people that age preach in our pulpits until they are ‘proven.’ Something is wrong with that,” Hanes says.
7. They release their women. “There is a recognition here in Australia that if a woman has a gift, you make room for her in the church,” Hanes says, noting that the AOG has many ordained female pastors. The growing list of prominent women ministers in Australia includes Margaret Court, a pastor in Perth; Christine Caine, a Bible teacher based in Sydney; Donna Crouch, a lead pastor at Hillsong; Royree Jensen, a pastor in Brisbane; and Zschech, the Hillsong vocalist who is arguably the most recognizable worship leader in the world.
Hanes dreams of a day when the same innovative approach to ministry that is transforming the churches of Australia will one day sweep across America. After spending this week in Sydney and seeing these innovations with my own eyes, I share his enthusiasm.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma. He spent the last five days visiting Penrith Christian Life Centre near Sydney. During his visit Down Under he also got up close and personal with some kangaroos. To learn more about Jack Hanes and the Penrith church, go to www.penrithclc.com.
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Hey everyone in case you have missed the announcements. We have a ton of stuff going on and we will be updating this perodically.
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“There are 4 basic premises that seem to be the core of this weekend..
1) Men need a battle.
2) Men need weapons/tools to fight with
3) Men need to be taught how to use the weapons
4) The most neglected element..Men need to be told " Ok guys, let’s go fight."
Each man will be able to leave with a clear plan as to how to begin implementing an actual fight plan into his life. The fact that he also leaves realizing he's in an army of like-minded men so that he not only doesn't fight alone , but he can't WIN alone should inspire and invigorate.The fact that he is needed in the battle in exactly the package he comes in ( hyper intellect , blue collar , biker , CEO , etc) lets him feel secure in his unique place in the war.I also believe that all pastors, Christian leaders, Men’s group’s should try to drive their talk with the thru-line of lifting men up. We don't need to be told what crappy fathers we are but need to do THIS instead. We don't need to be told how bad we are at being husbands/leaders etc. Men are there presumably because they are looking for ways to improve in areas they are already aware they are lacking.
Let’s give men one outlet where they are unapologetically celebrated for their innate maleness w/o it being intrinsically suspect.Seems like women’s events always assume the "unreleased beauty intrinsic in the female that is just waiting to be birthed.” In other words the benefit of the doubt.Now it's our turn to give men a similar acknowledgement that much of how you feel and respond as a man is exactly what makes you crucial in your child’s life , wife’s life , and culture. To be anything less is denying the very element that society cannot get from women. This is not carte blanche saying that there aren't elements of our maleness that need to be disciplined and reigned in at times. Only that the basic foundation of what makes a man think and respond the way he does is common to man and by being here at this event he will realize he is among those of his own ilk. He has finally found his tribe.” From Brad Stine
We will be meeting Saturday February 23rd at 8am at Shoney’s on Wilma Rudolph BLVD. Join us as we take a journey to reclaim GODLY MASCULINITY
“There are 4 basic premises that seem to be the core of this weekend..
1) Men need a battle.
2) Men need weapons/tools to fight with
3) Men need to be taught how to use the weapons
4) The most neglected element..Men need to be told " Ok guys, let’s go fight."
Each man will be able to leave with a clear plan as to how to begin implementing an actual fight plan into his life. The fact that he also leaves realizing he's in an army of like-minded men so that he not only doesn't fight alone , but he can't WIN alone should inspire and invigorate.The fact that he is needed in the battle in exactly the package he comes in ( hyper intellect , blue collar , biker , CEO , etc) lets him feel secure in his unique place in the war.I also believe that all pastors, Christian leaders, Men’s group’s should try to drive their talk with the thru-line of lifting men up. We don't need to be told what crappy fathers we are but need to do THIS instead. We don't need to be told how bad we are at being husbands/leaders etc. Men are there presumably because they are looking for ways to improve in areas they are already aware they are lacking.
Let’s give men one outlet where they are unapologetically celebrated for their innate maleness w/o it being intrinsically suspect.Seems like women’s events always assume the "unreleased beauty intrinsic in the female that is just waiting to be birthed.” In other words the benefit of the doubt.Now it's our turn to give men a similar acknowledgement that much of how you feel and respond as a man is exactly what makes you crucial in your child’s life , wife’s life , and culture. To be anything less is denying the very element that society cannot get from women. This is not carte blanche saying that there aren't elements of our maleness that need to be disciplined and reigned in at times. Only that the basic foundation of what makes a man think and respond the way he does is common to man and by being here at this event he will realize he is among those of his own ilk. He has finally found his tribe.” From Brad Stine
We will be meeting Saturday February 23rd at 8am at Shoney’s on Wilma Rudolph BLVD. Join us as we take a journey to reclaim GODLY MASCULINITY
As I was praying today I felt like the Lord impressing upon me to ask you a question. Do you believe prayer can change our city? Do you believe that corporate and unified prayer will have eternal ramifications for Clarksville, TN? I do! I believe that if we could get 7 pastors to meet regularly and pray for our city as a unified force that we could see the power of hell destroyed in our city. I believe that we should take up the attitude that the only way the city of Clarksville is going to hell is through us! Let us unite in an consolidated effort of prayer that the lost would come to know Jesus Christ, that the leadership of this city would be filled with a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, that the enemy would take his hands off of our youth, that the divorce rate in Clarksville would drop, that husbands and wives would remain faithful to one another, that our churches would grow with the lost (not transfer growth), and that the saved would mature and take their place in advancing the Kingdom of God!
Come and join with me as we pray for our city and the military at 3:00 PM on Saturday February 23rd, 2008 at Xtreme Ministries 1596 Ft. Campbell Blvd Clarksville, TN 37042
I have also included a link that talks about Prayer unlocking regions.
Come and join with me as we pray for our city and the military at 3:00 PM on Saturday February 23rd, 2008 at Xtreme Ministries 1596 Ft. Campbell Blvd Clarksville, TN 37042
I have also included a link that talks about Prayer unlocking regions.
In my 7 years of serving in Clarksville I have seen many men and women of God come and speak about how Clarksville is instrumental in reaching Nashville; that Clarksville is a prototype of Citywide Transformation that will reach Nashville. At our last Marketplace Ministry Luncheon Tod Bel talked about Clarksville as a detonator city.
Some of you might be asking what is a detonator? A detonator in this context, is a small explosion that sets off a larger explosion. This is what we have been praying that Clarksville will become! I believe that Clarksville is a strategic city for the spiritual transformation of this region in the United States. That word has been spoken over and over again. The great news is that this is no longer just a word or an abstract idea. It is happening in the Elk River, Minnesota. Rick Heeren will be joining us to give us encouraging testimony that will strengthen the effort of the rapidly growing numbers of men and women in Clarksville, who are believing spiritual transformation will occur in our city. It is possible to see the spiritual climate over Clarksville changed!
Many of us have heard the call to reach the whole city and to advance the Kingdom of God in Clarksville. This call has grown stronger in myself and many other leaders that I have spoken with. It is now at an all time high. The challenge is how do we do that? With the principles laid out in this seminar you will be given the tools to help reach Clarksville. We know that every city has its own DNA and we need something like this to help us identify our own DNA. Many of you who receive this email will identify that this is also your heart’s desire -to see the church unified for the advancement of the Kingdom. This will be spurred by pastors, business people, intercessors, city officials and educators who love and trust one another. I know you will find encouragement and the call of God to see your city reached for Christ.
Here is a brief summary of what will be offered.
1) Five Pivotal Paradigms for Transformation
These are the foundational understanding that is changing the way the Body of Christ functions and understands her role in the world. It is then leading to entire cities and nations coming under the massive influence of the presence and power of God. We will unfold these simple but profound truths that form the path for transformation.
2) Prayer Evangelism and Changing the Spiritual Climate of the City
Resistencia, Argentina was the first modern city to be completely reached and transformed by the united church. The principles pioneered by Harvest Evangelism and that are documented in That None Should Perish by Ed Silvoso form the basis of what we now call Prayer Evangelism. Tod and Rick will share these principles, illustrate them practically and also show documented examples of cities changed when the church implemented Prayer Evangelism to change the spiritual climate.
3. A Strategic Path to Follow for Transformation Clarksville
A Step by step strategy for the church to work together to reach Clarksville. Proven and powerful.
4. A Five Step Spiritual Business Plan and the Role of Your Success in Gaining Influence
Releasing and commissioning marketplace ministers to take the principles taught in the seminar to start filling the city. Pastors will have a key role in this portion of the seminar.
Please join us March 1st, 2008 at the Custom House Museum, Downtown Clarksville at 8:00am for something that literally will change the destiny of Clarksville
Some of you might be asking what is a detonator? A detonator in this context, is a small explosion that sets off a larger explosion. This is what we have been praying that Clarksville will become! I believe that Clarksville is a strategic city for the spiritual transformation of this region in the United States. That word has been spoken over and over again. The great news is that this is no longer just a word or an abstract idea. It is happening in the Elk River, Minnesota. Rick Heeren will be joining us to give us encouraging testimony that will strengthen the effort of the rapidly growing numbers of men and women in Clarksville, who are believing spiritual transformation will occur in our city. It is possible to see the spiritual climate over Clarksville changed!
Many of us have heard the call to reach the whole city and to advance the Kingdom of God in Clarksville. This call has grown stronger in myself and many other leaders that I have spoken with. It is now at an all time high. The challenge is how do we do that? With the principles laid out in this seminar you will be given the tools to help reach Clarksville. We know that every city has its own DNA and we need something like this to help us identify our own DNA. Many of you who receive this email will identify that this is also your heart’s desire -to see the church unified for the advancement of the Kingdom. This will be spurred by pastors, business people, intercessors, city officials and educators who love and trust one another. I know you will find encouragement and the call of God to see your city reached for Christ.
Here is a brief summary of what will be offered.
1) Five Pivotal Paradigms for Transformation
These are the foundational understanding that is changing the way the Body of Christ functions and understands her role in the world. It is then leading to entire cities and nations coming under the massive influence of the presence and power of God. We will unfold these simple but profound truths that form the path for transformation.
2) Prayer Evangelism and Changing the Spiritual Climate of the City
Resistencia, Argentina was the first modern city to be completely reached and transformed by the united church. The principles pioneered by Harvest Evangelism and that are documented in That None Should Perish by Ed Silvoso form the basis of what we now call Prayer Evangelism. Tod and Rick will share these principles, illustrate them practically and also show documented examples of cities changed when the church implemented Prayer Evangelism to change the spiritual climate.
3. A Strategic Path to Follow for Transformation Clarksville
A Step by step strategy for the church to work together to reach Clarksville. Proven and powerful.
4. A Five Step Spiritual Business Plan and the Role of Your Success in Gaining Influence
Releasing and commissioning marketplace ministers to take the principles taught in the seminar to start filling the city. Pastors will have a key role in this portion of the seminar.
Please join us March 1st, 2008 at the Custom House Museum, Downtown Clarksville at 8:00am for something that literally will change the destiny of Clarksville
If you attend regularly could you please email me at pastor@xtremeministries.com with all your information such as address, phone #, kids, etc as we are trying to update all of our information. Thank you very much.
Hey everyone this is the Schedule for Friday and Saturday. Please remember to come and be on time.
Friday, Feb. 8
7-8:30pm Session 1 – Strongholds
Saturday, Feb. 9
8am Continental Breakfast
8:30-10am Session 2 - Curses
10:15am-12pm Session 3 - Emotional Healing
12-1pm Lunch break
1-2:30pm Session 4 - Demonology / Deliverance
Friday, Feb. 8
7-8:30pm Session 1 – Strongholds
Saturday, Feb. 9
8am Continental Breakfast
8:30-10am Session 2 - Curses
10:15am-12pm Session 3 - Emotional Healing
12-1pm Lunch break
1-2:30pm Session 4 - Demonology / Deliverance
Hey everyone just wanted to put out a few things we need to be aware of and the calendar for the next month.
1st as you can tell God is blessing us with a lot of growth. It is awesome but presents a number of interesting challenges for the church. The first and most obvious is seating. So I would like to ask you to please show up a few minutes early and grab a seat up front and together so that the visitors come sit in the back.
2nd remember online giving and ITUNES are now available. Let everyone you know that has an IPOD about our website and services.
3rd start prepping for March 1st and the Clarksville Transformation Seminar. This is a time of equipping and sending out you as leaders in your workplace!
4th we need someone very good with Myspace and facebook. If that is you please email me.
Wednesday Night Bible Study Book of Hebrews at 7PM
Sunday Night Youth Group at 6pm at the Renkens
February 8th and 9th Freedom Weekend. This is for everyone.
February 23rd Crusaders Mens Breakfast at 8am at Shoneys
February 23rd Clarksville Prayer Group at 3pm at Xtreme
February 24th Xtreme Luncheon for our Guests
1st as you can tell God is blessing us with a lot of growth. It is awesome but presents a number of interesting challenges for the church. The first and most obvious is seating. So I would like to ask you to please show up a few minutes early and grab a seat up front and together so that the visitors come sit in the back.
2nd remember online giving and ITUNES are now available. Let everyone you know that has an IPOD about our website and services.
3rd start prepping for March 1st and the Clarksville Transformation Seminar. This is a time of equipping and sending out you as leaders in your workplace!
4th we need someone very good with Myspace and facebook. If that is you please email me.
Wednesday Night Bible Study Book of Hebrews at 7PM
Sunday Night Youth Group at 6pm at the Renkens
February 8th and 9th Freedom Weekend. This is for everyone.
February 23rd Crusaders Mens Breakfast at 8am at Shoneys
February 23rd Clarksville Prayer Group at 3pm at Xtreme
February 24th Xtreme Luncheon for our Guests
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