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Hey everyone we just got the information for the GCI Conference. I would hope that as many of you as possible would attend.

Dear GCI Church Members,I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for our annual Grace Churches International Leadership Conference, November 20-22 at Manna Church in Fayetteville. The theme this year is The Kingdom of God. After an Introduction to the theme in our opening session, we will hear messages on "The Losing of it All", "The Prophetic Kingdom", "The King and His Kingdom - the Early Years", The King and His Kingdom - the King on Earth", "The Kingdom and the Church", and we conclude with "The Coming King". Sessions speakers include Bob Clanton, Jerry Daley, Clem Ferris, Michael Fletcher, and Delane Hulen. And of course we will begin and end every session with great worship.As in past years, our conference will begin Thursday evening with a dinner for all pastors and their spouses. A catered lunch on Friday and delicious snacks during break times are included in your registration fee.We have blocks of rooms reserved at the Wingate Inn located a mile and a half from the conference. More information is provided at the registration site.Please go to and register today. Please, forward this email to others you think may be blessed by knowing what GCI is about.I look forward to seeing you in November.

In His Service,
Dr. Ron Crews
Executive DirectorGrace Churches International