As everyone knows we are in the middle of our "Sex in the City" series. I called the The Leaf Chronicle newspaper and asked them if they would be interested in doing an article featuring the series. Of course as everyone knows they said yes and it was an absolutely awesome. Stacy did a great job. When I got to the Leaf Chronicle Office Stacy told me about the idea the photographer had. It was the picture you see above. I was sitting there as we were getting everything set up praying my butt off about the picture. I was very concerned that many believers would be upset and that the picture would be counter-productive to what I believe God is wanting to accomplish with this series. So as we were taking the photo I felt God say relax. Then He told me that it was a Prophetic Picture of His people. He went on to explain that His people have taken the pornography out the brown bag and put the Bible in it.
After praying I felt that this means that the people of God are no longer ashamed of pornography and have brought it in the light, but that they have taken the Bible and hidden it away.
Please pray for us as we venture into our second week of the series. This week we have our ladies meeting on Friday night where they will be conducting a study on "how to be better than a porn star." In this meeting they will talk about the deadly affects of pornography on women and families and what a wife can do to help her husband in the struggle for sexual purity. Then Saturday morning the men are getting together for "Porn and Pancakes" with Matthew Starks from Pure Life Revolution. In this meeting we will be discussing the damaging affects pornography has on men and the way they evaluate sex and their sex lives in marriage. Finally we will conclude on Sunday with "Porn Sunday." This will be a sermon where I will discuss what is actually going on in the world of pornography and how it is destroying marriages, families, men, women, and even children. Once again please pray for us that we can lead men and women into the fullness of Biblical Marriage and ultimately into a right relationship with Jesus Christ.