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Assorted thoughts from St. Thomas Hospital

As some of you may know Pastor Bill Corley has fallen gravely ill. Pastor Corley has served Clarksville for over 40 years. He has been pastoring in this city longer than some of you (including me) have been alive. In May of this year Pastor Bill and I met for the first time through the ministerial association. In June I invited him to the Prophetic Presbytery with Michael Cotten and Clem Ferris. The words spoken over him were...well there is no other way to say it but GOD!!!! In the short 6 months that have followed Pastor Bill and I have developed a relationship I will cherish through eternity. He has a lot of God's wisdom and earthly experience to pass on to the next generation. He has become a father in the faith to me. It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to get to know this man of God. I have been spending as much time as I can with him at the hospital and it has really stirred me in a few areas and while I am here watching, praying, and waiting on him and God I thought I would share 3 things with you all. These thoughts are important enough that I will forgo my title of the "Master of Brevity."

Thought #1

Late last night Pastor Bill's blood pressure dropped through the floor. He became very weak and he was moved to critical care. In this process they finally identified some issues that caused the infection. He some how got Ecolai and it took over his immune system. He has an infection in the Aorta Valve and it needs to be replaced. Further he needs a quadruple Bypass. Through out the morning and up till now we have had rotating Prayer Chains. People from all spectrums of life have been coming and laying hands on him and anointing him with oil and praying for his recovery. At this time 7:35pm he has stabalized. The Bible tells us on several occasions that if we would lay hands on the sick they shall recover! PRAYER WORKS! Through out this process I keep going back to that Jesus said we should pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." As some of you may of heard our series on prayer there are two very significant parts to this verse from the Lord's Prayer. First, God wants us to pray that his will be done on Earth just like it is seen in heaven. God wants us to cooperate with Him and join with Him in bringing His rule and reign to Earth. This would imply that we would have to know His will. The second thing is that too often people pray the Garden of Gethsemane prayer of "Not my will but your will be done" without ever really asking God what He wants! God expects us as His children to draw near to Him and ask Him what He wants. God wants us to know His will and then PRAY HIS WILL ONTO EARTH!!!! In case you didnt already understand this requires relationship with our DADDY! Ultimately, everything we do goes back to developing our relationship with our Father and through that relationship we expand His kingdom on this Earth.

Thought #2

I think in the western world we have lost the value of the relationships that mentor us. Through out the Scritpures it is clear that older men are to disciple (mentor) younger men and that older women are to disciple younger women. Look at the examples of Paul/Timothy and Elijah/Elisha. These are clear examples of Fathers and Sons. Why is it that we arent applying the concept of fathering to every aspect of our lives? In our jobs, in our families, in our churches, in our hobbies, in our money, and in our marriages? What is it about western culture that makes us so weak that we cant rely on the strength of those who have gone before us? Pastor Bill as well as our Apostolic Leadership Team (Michael Fletcher, Michael Cotten, and Clem Ferris) have taken this concept of fathering seriously and have personally invested in me more than money can ever pay for. On numerous occasions I have called them and asked them for Godly wisdom and counsel and they are available and provide me with things as a young minister I desperately need! This is a father's heart. When you have the ability to make the life, ministry, job, family, marriage, or anything else better because of your experience and you freely offer it and give it.
I thank God for these men in my life. They have saved me from countless mistakes with their wisdom and their hearts. The Bible tells us that a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children! I am coming to realize this isnt just a money thing. These 4 men have walked through situations and encounters with God that have made them who they are. I need that and much more if I am to fulfill my destiny in God. What would happen if we started Mothering or Fathering in every area of our lives and our children's children didnt have to learn the same lessons over and over and over? I will tell you what would happen...geometrical growth! If I learn the lessons that took Pastor Bill Corley 40 years to learn in a year of walking with him where would I be? Where would the kingdom be? THIS IS TRUE INHERITANCE! This is something I long for. I believe that God invests himself in men and women and expects that investment to carry on into the next generation...which leads me to my last thought.

Thought #3
The Passing of the Mantle

This is an important concept and I am learning that it is more important that I originally thought. The Bible tells us that Elijah and Elisha had a special relationship and that there was something to be passed on from generation to generation. In some circles we call this passing the torch, but that isnt sufficient to explain the fullness of the Biblical story. In 2 Kings 2:1-14 it tells us that Elijah was about to go to heaven. Elijah on several occasions tries to get rid of Elisha and Elisha refuses by saying "As surely as the LORD lives and as you live, I will not leave you." A quick question for you and me. Are we that committed? Are we committed enough to lay aside our lives and pursue what God has for us? Finally Elijah responds to Elisha with "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" Do you here that? Persistance pays off in the Kingdom! PURSUE WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU!!!! Be aggressive, be militant with what you believe God has in store for you! The other lesson for us is not only be aggressive but to be bold in asking for what we believe God is giving us. Elisha asks to INHERIT a double portion of Elijahs spirit (anointing)! Elijah responds with "have asked a difficult thing, yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours — otherwise not." Can we be a people and a church that waits for our inheritance or our mantle? Can we be a people that will pursue our dreams and our destiny till the end? There is so much more in this passage! I pray that as you read this story and the blog that you will begin to see the importance of the mantle.

As I sign off remember...