Jan 11-12th is International School of Prophetic Development
Jan 26th Clarksville Prayer Group
Jan 30th is Marketplace Ministries Luncheon
Feb 2nd Godbabes
Feb 3rd Super bowl Party
Feb 23rd Crusaders Mens Breakfast
Feb 23rd Clarksville Prayer Group
Mar 29th Clarksville Prayer Group
Apr 9-10 Clarksville Church Growth Conference
Apr 26th Crusaders Mens Breakfast
Apr 26th Clarksville Prayer Group
May 1-3 Anointed For Business with Ed Silvoso
May Clarksville Marriage Retreat
May 24th Clarksville Prayer Group
June 6-7 Clarksville Prophetic Presbytery
June 28th Clarksville Prayer Group
June 28th Crusaders Mens Breakfast
Subscribe to The Pastor"s Corner TODAY!
Are you Trusting the Wrong People
To be a good leader, you must discern whom you can trust and whom you cannot. The wrong people will keep you from succeeding. Here are six dangerous character flaws you must watch out for in those you are trusting:
1. Rarely do what they say they will
2. They push the work back onto you
3. They are late and unreliable and do not apologize
4. When asked to do something, they tell you they are too busy
5. They continually reject your ideas either vocally or by nonperformance
6. They do not volunteer to help when the pressure is on
1. Rarely do what they say they will
2. They push the work back onto you
3. They are late and unreliable and do not apologize
4. When asked to do something, they tell you they are too busy
5. They continually reject your ideas either vocally or by nonperformance
6. They do not volunteer to help when the pressure is on
Leadership traits of the great military geniuses of History
1. They showed decisiveness
2. They delegated authority
3. They executed bold plans
4. They replaced hesitation with action
2. They delegated authority
3. They executed bold plans
4. They replaced hesitation with action
5 things that cant be recaptured
1. The stone after it is thrown
2. The word after it is said
3. The deed after it is done
4. The occasion after it’s passed
5. The time after it’s gone
2. The word after it is said
3. The deed after it is done
4. The occasion after it’s passed
5. The time after it’s gone
1. Good decisions come from being able to say “I don’t know”
You cannot learn when you are pretending to know it all
2. Good decisions come from asking the right questions
3. Good decisions do not come from consensus
Input is necessary, but in the end, a leader must make the call
4. Good decisions come from eternal awareness
Great organizations are internally driven but externally aware
5. Good decisions come from never fearing a wrong decision
Statistics tell us even huge decisions account for maybe six out of a hundred points on the organizations scale of success or failure.
6. Good decisions come from thinking long term
Great leaders think the next quarter century not just the next quarter
7. You can make mistakes and still prevail
You cannot learn when you are pretending to know it all
2. Good decisions come from asking the right questions
3. Good decisions do not come from consensus
Input is necessary, but in the end, a leader must make the call
4. Good decisions come from eternal awareness
Great organizations are internally driven but externally aware
5. Good decisions come from never fearing a wrong decision
Statistics tell us even huge decisions account for maybe six out of a hundred points on the organizations scale of success or failure.
6. Good decisions come from thinking long term
Great leaders think the next quarter century not just the next quarter
7. You can make mistakes and still prevail
Hey everyone dont forget that bible study is tomorrow night at 7pm at the church.
Hey I am at the Godmen event in Daytona Beach, Fl. It was an awesome event with awesome spiritual ramification. While preparing to leave on this trip I felt the Lord leading me to bring this book. THE PRESENT FUTURE...Six tough questions for the CHURCH by Reggie Mcneal. So I wanted to start with the 6 wrong and 6 tough questions and then address some highlights from each chapter in the following weeks..
1. How Do We Do Church Better
How Do We Deconvert from Churchianity to Christianity?
2. How Do We Transform Our Community? How Do We Hit the Streets with the Gospel?
How Do We Grow This Church?
3. How Do We Turn Members into Ministers?
How Do We Turn Members into Missionaries?
4. How Do We Develop Church Members?
How Do We Develop Followers of Jesus?
5. How Do We Prepare for the Future?
How Do We Plan for the Future?
6. How Do We Develop Leaders for Church Work?
How Do We Develop Leaders for teh Christian Movement?
Now that you have read the 6 questions, I would like you to email me what is the wrong question and which is the tough questions and why you feel that way.
See ya on Monday
1. How Do We Do Church Better
How Do We Deconvert from Churchianity to Christianity?
2. How Do We Transform Our Community? How Do We Hit the Streets with the Gospel?
How Do We Grow This Church?
3. How Do We Turn Members into Ministers?
How Do We Turn Members into Missionaries?
4. How Do We Develop Church Members?
How Do We Develop Followers of Jesus?
5. How Do We Prepare for the Future?
How Do We Plan for the Future?
6. How Do We Develop Leaders for Church Work?
How Do We Develop Leaders for teh Christian Movement?
Now that you have read the 6 questions, I would like you to email me what is the wrong question and which is the tough questions and why you feel that way.
See ya on Monday
Hey everyone remember this weekend is daylight savings...we fall back in case you didnt know.
Networking and Building Relationships in the City of Clarksville
Dear Pastors,
Saturday was the latest Clarksville Prayer Group. It was a great time of prayer. During that time there were several things mentioned that I believe we should consider for corporate prayer throughout the city. First, the need for stronger communication and the flow of information in and among churches. For example, many of you may not have known about the Fall Festival that took place at Pastor Mike Cantrell's church - Bethel Community Church. (My children and I had a great time there so thank you Pastor Mike for doing a great ministry!) Another example; Pastor Tommy Vallejohas been heavily involved ministering to the gangs in Clarksville. And Pastor West of Church of Champions had a church donated to them! There are awesome things happening in the Kingdom of God in Clarksville!
Next to be mentioned for corporate prayer, is the need to build stronger relationships with one another. There is a quote that has floated around for a long time: “The strength of the wolf is in the pack and the strength of the pack is in the wolf.” We all need encouraging, sharpening, and developing from time to time. God desires this for all of His children. I believe the process that He uses to encourage, sharpen, and develop us is through our relationships with one another. It is vital that we, as the spiritual leaders in Clarksville, begin to network at a greater level than ever before. Please be encouraged to spend time with one another. And not necessarily a pastor you already have great relationship with. Take a pastor you barely know out for lunch, or just a cup of coffee and get to know your brother's heart for the city. Invite one another to your events. Remember we are in this for the Kingdom, not our individual churches. God did not design us to do this thing alone. Together we make a more completed picture of God. As the body is broken down into individual molecules, so is the body of the Christ. If we want it to be a healthy body, the head has to communicate to the arms, the legs, the lungs, and they all have to function together in order to move properly.
Please pray with me to see a church of 135,000 strong in Clarksville! In the Argentina revival there were meetings where 60,000 and 70,000 people were Born Again. Imagine if this happened in Clarksville! We'd be expanding the job market with the demand to hire more pastors! :-) Not to mention the ability it would give us to send out missionaries to reach the nations.
Lastly, pray for the reconsolidation and redistribution of resources. Imagine what would happen if the CHURCH began sharing resources? Imagine if next week the church with the best worship team in town sent out their worship team to lead at another church that needed help? Or a church in town with the best discipleship program in the country made themselves available to other churches and offered to train the leadership to do the same? As we all know in the story of the Tower of Babel - GOD HIMSELF said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. 7 "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech." (Ge 11:6-7) God says that nothing that they purpose to do will be impossible for them!!! Pastors let us join together and unite for the sake of the Kingdom! If we unite how much more will this Scripture be true?
It is with this in mind I would like to ask you about doing a Church of Clarksville Community Calendar. It will be a place where we all put our events on one page and all the people of God in Clarksville can see what is transpiring in the Church across the board. This will also help us all with scheduling conflicts. If we knew what our brothers/sisters were doing, we could coordinate our efforts and be faithful stewards over what God has given us in regards to our time and our relationships with one another. And we can also provide better prayer coverage for these events so we may better blanket Clarksville with the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your time and please any thoughts, suggestions, or hate mail is welcomed :)
Saturday was the latest Clarksville Prayer Group. It was a great time of prayer. During that time there were several things mentioned that I believe we should consider for corporate prayer throughout the city. First, the need for stronger communication and the flow of information in and among churches. For example, many of you may not have known about the Fall Festival that took place at Pastor Mike Cantrell's church - Bethel Community Church. (My children and I had a great time there so thank you Pastor Mike for doing a great ministry!) Another example; Pastor Tommy Vallejohas been heavily involved ministering to the gangs in Clarksville. And Pastor West of Church of Champions had a church donated to them! There are awesome things happening in the Kingdom of God in Clarksville!
Next to be mentioned for corporate prayer, is the need to build stronger relationships with one another. There is a quote that has floated around for a long time: “The strength of the wolf is in the pack and the strength of the pack is in the wolf.” We all need encouraging, sharpening, and developing from time to time. God desires this for all of His children. I believe the process that He uses to encourage, sharpen, and develop us is through our relationships with one another. It is vital that we, as the spiritual leaders in Clarksville, begin to network at a greater level than ever before. Please be encouraged to spend time with one another. And not necessarily a pastor you already have great relationship with. Take a pastor you barely know out for lunch, or just a cup of coffee and get to know your brother's heart for the city. Invite one another to your events. Remember we are in this for the Kingdom, not our individual churches. God did not design us to do this thing alone. Together we make a more completed picture of God. As the body is broken down into individual molecules, so is the body of the Christ. If we want it to be a healthy body, the head has to communicate to the arms, the legs, the lungs, and they all have to function together in order to move properly.
Please pray with me to see a church of 135,000 strong in Clarksville! In the Argentina revival there were meetings where 60,000 and 70,000 people were Born Again. Imagine if this happened in Clarksville! We'd be expanding the job market with the demand to hire more pastors! :-) Not to mention the ability it would give us to send out missionaries to reach the nations.
Lastly, pray for the reconsolidation and redistribution of resources. Imagine what would happen if the CHURCH began sharing resources? Imagine if next week the church with the best worship team in town sent out their worship team to lead at another church that needed help? Or a church in town with the best discipleship program in the country made themselves available to other churches and offered to train the leadership to do the same? As we all know in the story of the Tower of Babel - GOD HIMSELF said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. 7 "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech." (Ge 11:6-7) God says that nothing that they purpose to do will be impossible for them!!! Pastors let us join together and unite for the sake of the Kingdom! If we unite how much more will this Scripture be true?
It is with this in mind I would like to ask you about doing a Church of Clarksville Community Calendar. It will be a place where we all put our events on one page and all the people of God in Clarksville can see what is transpiring in the Church across the board. This will also help us all with scheduling conflicts. If we knew what our brothers/sisters were doing, we could coordinate our efforts and be faithful stewards over what God has given us in regards to our time and our relationships with one another. And we can also provide better prayer coverage for these events so we may better blanket Clarksville with the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your time and please any thoughts, suggestions, or hate mail is welcomed :)
Pastors and Intercessors of Clarksville, it is prayer time again!!!! I am excited and concerned about several things happening in our city. The exciting things first: Church of Champions was donated a 2 million dollar facility! Faith Outreach and Xtreme Ministries are working together with the youth in our city that are under attack through the gangs and other traps set by the enemy. Vineyard is teaming with other churches for men’s ministry and worship. A men’s breakfast called CRUSADERS has started and is bringing in speakers such as David Bunker, Matthew Stark, and Brad Stine (promise keepers keynote speaker) to minister. Finally, in November we will be having a Market Place Ministry Luncheon for Pastors and Marketplace Leaders. There is so much good happening in our city, Praise God! There are still several things in the city that still need a lot of prayer attention. The enemy is still on the move and wrecking destruction in our city. We must set ourselves to prayer to bring about God’s kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. Bo shot himself after a city council meeting he attended; Xtreme Fitness shut down do to embezzlement; 101st soldiers are losing their children when they deploy to Iraq (check news today); many soldiers are faced with divorce and adultery; gang activity is on the rise,; sexual predators are on the loose in Clarksville, and many other forms of evil. Men and Women of God we must PRAY and THEN ACT according to the plan God has laid out for us as individuals, as churches, and as a community of believers!
Clarksville Prayer Group will be meeting Oct 27th, 2007 at 3:00 PM BUT IN A NEW LOCATION! Xtreme Ministries has opened a café and will be hosting the Clarksville Prayer Group with coffee, snacks, and other refreshments!
Xtreme Ministries is located at 1596 Ft. Campbell BLVD, Clarksville, TN 37042 next door to the Foodlion. You can also visit our website at www.xtremeministries.com for more details.
Clarksville Prayer Group will be meeting Oct 27th, 2007 at 3:00 PM BUT IN A NEW LOCATION! Xtreme Ministries has opened a café and will be hosting the Clarksville Prayer Group with coffee, snacks, and other refreshments!
Xtreme Ministries is located at 1596 Ft. Campbell BLVD, Clarksville, TN 37042 next door to the Foodlion. You can also visit our website at www.xtremeministries.com for more details.
You guys know you can create or post your own stuff
Hey everyone just wanted you to know that you can make your own post and feedback.
Here we go this is the last part of the 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Church.
"It is quite common to see apostolic churches flow in a revelation that is obvious to the hearer that the source of the teaching and preaching is the Holy Spirit Himself. Holy Ghost inspired messages or teachings move beyond a simple discourse of facts, places and information into capturing and presenting the spirit of the word as well."
"Prophecy and apostolic churches are like wet is to water, inseparable. Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known language. It is the result of being baptized in the Holy Spirit thereby giving the believer divine utterances that edify, build up and comfort the hearers."
"But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey...(Lev 20:24 KJV) Notice that God said He would give their land. We often speak of receiving and inheritance in the context of someone who has died and left us something. With this type of inheritance we don't have to do anything other than simply follow the dictates of the will and receive. This is not so in the above scripture. To possess the land means that we must also dispossess its former occupants. The Greek word for inherit and possess are the same yarash. So we learn that God has given us great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4) as our inheritance, provided we are willing to possess. how do we do that today? By mixing our faith with actions (James 2:17). We can never possess the land without an aggressive and possessing faith. Many are believing they are receiving but have no possessing acts. Apostolic churches are filled with yarash people As Caleb boldly declared, 'Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome...' (Num 13:30)
"To preach is the Greek word kerusso meaning to proclaim after the manner of a herald. Years ago young boys who sold newspapers on street corners were often times referred to as heralds. They knew how to make themselves heard. Apostolic churches are preaching churches. they are rich, strong, and bold in the heralding of the word of God. No watered down, diluted, weak, or apologetic preaching or ministry here. They are not concerned with the time and will not quench the Holy Spirit. These are those who preach the word of God with authority."
"Apostolic churches above all others will respond to the cry of the Spirit of God and meet the needs of the ministry. it is amazing to see the united efforts of God's people reach seemingly impossible tasks. When the Antioch church heard of hardship on their fellow brothers and sisters they responded and gave abundantly out of their own needs"
"It is quite common to see apostolic churches flow in a revelation that is obvious to the hearer that the source of the teaching and preaching is the Holy Spirit Himself. Holy Ghost inspired messages or teachings move beyond a simple discourse of facts, places and information into capturing and presenting the spirit of the word as well."
"Prophecy and apostolic churches are like wet is to water, inseparable. Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known language. It is the result of being baptized in the Holy Spirit thereby giving the believer divine utterances that edify, build up and comfort the hearers."
"But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey...(Lev 20:24 KJV) Notice that God said He would give their land. We often speak of receiving and inheritance in the context of someone who has died and left us something. With this type of inheritance we don't have to do anything other than simply follow the dictates of the will and receive. This is not so in the above scripture. To possess the land means that we must also dispossess its former occupants. The Greek word for inherit and possess are the same yarash. So we learn that God has given us great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4) as our inheritance, provided we are willing to possess. how do we do that today? By mixing our faith with actions (James 2:17). We can never possess the land without an aggressive and possessing faith. Many are believing they are receiving but have no possessing acts. Apostolic churches are filled with yarash people As Caleb boldly declared, 'Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome...' (Num 13:30)
"To preach is the Greek word kerusso meaning to proclaim after the manner of a herald. Years ago young boys who sold newspapers on street corners were often times referred to as heralds. They knew how to make themselves heard. Apostolic churches are preaching churches. they are rich, strong, and bold in the heralding of the word of God. No watered down, diluted, weak, or apologetic preaching or ministry here. They are not concerned with the time and will not quench the Holy Spirit. These are those who preach the word of God with authority."
"Apostolic churches above all others will respond to the cry of the Spirit of God and meet the needs of the ministry. it is amazing to see the united efforts of God's people reach seemingly impossible tasks. When the Antioch church heard of hardship on their fellow brothers and sisters they responded and gave abundantly out of their own needs"
I wanted to finish up with EARMARKS OF AN APOSTOLIC CHURCH.
"Apostolic churches form presbyteries made up of apostles, prophets, and teachers. Many times we see scriptures where apostles and elders are assembled together (Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 22, 23; 16:4; 21:18.) Timothy himself was confirmed into ministry by an apostolic presbytery. As the scripture reads, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery" (1 Timothy 4:14.) There will be much more truth in regards to the establishing of apostolic presbyteries revealed to us in the days ahead.
"And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvelously helped, till he was strong (2 Chr 26:15). This scripture is a prophetic example of apostolic strategy. The 21st Century apostolic church will be a ministry of divine strategy to wage war on the enemies' strongholds. We have had two thousand years to get the gospel into the world and our job is not yet done. We need and will see divinely inspired apostolic strategies given by the Holy Spirit to enable us to reach the world with the gospel. Uzziah shows us that God gave him strategies that helped him win in his generation. 'He was marvelously helped,' and we will be too.
"I wish that I did not have to include suffering as an apostolic church earmark. However, it is evident that apostolic people suffer, grieve, travail, and even lament because of sin around them, lukewarmness, lack of reverence and commitment toward God and, of course, the opposition against their pioneering call. However, in spite of their suffering, they never give up and quit but keep their eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of their faith."
"Yes, apostolic churches will put a demand on you to commit and dedicate yourself to grow. Apostolic churches are not the kind where you can come in sit and hide for too long. Neither are they the kind of churches where you can grow at your own 'turtle speed.' Remember the apostolic spirit sets the pace, so you will probably feel compelled to grow and mature more than ever before. Why? Because apostolic churches reproduce sons and heirs, instead of dependent children. You see, need only based ministry can only produce need only centered or an unhealthy dependent people. So apostolic leaders will demand that you grow. For example, when you first meet them they will pray for you, then they will pray with you, then they will require you to get to the level of praying for yourself, and not to stop there, but to pray for others. Notice how you are always involved in the process.
"To be in one accord refers to the relationship that one believer has with another. Apostolic people love being with each other. Relationships are one of the fabrics of an apostolic church. For people to be relational they must be connected. Within the apostolic church persists a heart felt need to be united with their brothers and sisters in Christ through the development of a personal relationship that transcends a casual meeting during a church service. Apostolic people carry a burden for another. They are concerned about the welfare of their fellow co-laborers. When one suffers, all suffer. Why? Because the wall of self-centeredness and 'bless me only' Christianity has fallen down. They truly love one another."
I will post the last part next week and see you on Sunday.
"Apostolic churches form presbyteries made up of apostles, prophets, and teachers. Many times we see scriptures where apostles and elders are assembled together (Acts 15:2, 4, 6, 22, 23; 16:4; 21:18.) Timothy himself was confirmed into ministry by an apostolic presbytery. As the scripture reads, "Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery" (1 Timothy 4:14.) There will be much more truth in regards to the establishing of apostolic presbyteries revealed to us in the days ahead.
"And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvelously helped, till he was strong (2 Chr 26:15). This scripture is a prophetic example of apostolic strategy. The 21st Century apostolic church will be a ministry of divine strategy to wage war on the enemies' strongholds. We have had two thousand years to get the gospel into the world and our job is not yet done. We need and will see divinely inspired apostolic strategies given by the Holy Spirit to enable us to reach the world with the gospel. Uzziah shows us that God gave him strategies that helped him win in his generation. 'He was marvelously helped,' and we will be too.
"I wish that I did not have to include suffering as an apostolic church earmark. However, it is evident that apostolic people suffer, grieve, travail, and even lament because of sin around them, lukewarmness, lack of reverence and commitment toward God and, of course, the opposition against their pioneering call. However, in spite of their suffering, they never give up and quit but keep their eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of their faith."
"Yes, apostolic churches will put a demand on you to commit and dedicate yourself to grow. Apostolic churches are not the kind where you can come in sit and hide for too long. Neither are they the kind of churches where you can grow at your own 'turtle speed.' Remember the apostolic spirit sets the pace, so you will probably feel compelled to grow and mature more than ever before. Why? Because apostolic churches reproduce sons and heirs, instead of dependent children. You see, need only based ministry can only produce need only centered or an unhealthy dependent people. So apostolic leaders will demand that you grow. For example, when you first meet them they will pray for you, then they will pray with you, then they will require you to get to the level of praying for yourself, and not to stop there, but to pray for others. Notice how you are always involved in the process.
"To be in one accord refers to the relationship that one believer has with another. Apostolic people love being with each other. Relationships are one of the fabrics of an apostolic church. For people to be relational they must be connected. Within the apostolic church persists a heart felt need to be united with their brothers and sisters in Christ through the development of a personal relationship that transcends a casual meeting during a church service. Apostolic people carry a burden for another. They are concerned about the welfare of their fellow co-laborers. When one suffers, all suffer. Why? Because the wall of self-centeredness and 'bless me only' Christianity has fallen down. They truly love one another."
I will post the last part next week and see you on Sunday.
•DECEMBER 5th Jamie Englehart
•DECEMBER 5th Jamie Englehart
Godbabes postponed
Hey everyone Lori Goldman has decided to postpone Godbabes until after my fight do to all the activities involved in it.
Prophetic Picture

As everyone knows we are in the middle of our "Sex in the City" series. I called the The Leaf Chronicle newspaper and asked them if they would be interested in doing an article featuring the series. Of course as everyone knows they said yes and it was an absolutely awesome. Stacy did a great job. When I got to the Leaf Chronicle Office Stacy told me about the idea the photographer had. It was the picture you see above. I was sitting there as we were getting everything set up praying my butt off about the picture. I was very concerned that many believers would be upset and that the picture would be counter-productive to what I believe God is wanting to accomplish with this series. So as we were taking the photo I felt God say relax. Then He told me that it was a Prophetic Picture of His people. He went on to explain that His people have taken the pornography out the brown bag and put the Bible in it.
After praying I felt that this means that the people of God are no longer ashamed of pornography and have brought it in the light, but that they have taken the Bible and hidden it away.
Please pray for us as we venture into our second week of the series. This week we have our ladies meeting on Friday night where they will be conducting a study on "how to be better than a porn star." In this meeting they will talk about the deadly affects of pornography on women and families and what a wife can do to help her husband in the struggle for sexual purity. Then Saturday morning the men are getting together for "Porn and Pancakes" with Matthew Starks from Pure Life Revolution. In this meeting we will be discussing the damaging affects pornography has on men and the way they evaluate sex and their sex lives in marriage. Finally we will conclude on Sunday with "Porn Sunday." This will be a sermon where I will discuss what is actually going on in the world of pornography and how it is destroying marriages, families, men, women, and even children. Once again please pray for us that we can lead men and women into the fullness of Biblical Marriage and ultimately into a right relationship with Jesus Christ.
Earmarks of an Apostolic Church PIV
As we move forward advancing the Kingdom and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ it is always important to remember that He is the one who makes it all possible. It is Jesus Christ who has made us strong, bold, made it possible to be filled with the Holy Spirit, brought us into the realm of the supernatural, set us in this place for this time and Religions worst nightmare. Jonas Clark in his book identifies all of these as "earmarks of an apostolic church".
Apostolic churches have a spiritual strength and fortitude that transcends any natural ability. Not only do they possess an apostolic grit but they impart the same fortitude into those who join themselves with them. God told Zerubbabel, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zec 4:6 KJV) The spiritual strength of an apostolic church is the divine capacity given by the Holy Spirit that empowers the church to be vigorous, advance, grow, press on, increase, break through and move forward. It is the power to endure hardship, resist hindrances and obstacles while remaining steadfast, faithful, firm and durable. It is truly the grace of God
As soon as you walk into an apostolic church you can tell there is something different. What's going on? The atmosphere is charged with faith for miracles. Apostolic churches are set to flow in signs, wonders, and miracles. Altar calls for divine healing and the laying on of hands is common. God has never withdrawn his gifts and supernatural presence from his church.
The core group of apostolic churches are filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed for an active and effective Spirit life ministry. They understand there is no way to handle the extreme pressure and gospel opposition in our lives without the free gift of Jesus' dumanis power to witness, the Holy Spirit Himself. We must be baptized with fire. Where others may struggle in this, apostolic churches have the grace upon them to help people get easily baptized in the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist stated, 'I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchest of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire' (Luke 3:16 KJV). Jesus is our baptized!
An earmark of apostolic churches is their spiritual understanding of boundaries and assigned territories. They have a unique and heart-felt burden for their assignments. The Apostle Paul describes this territory like this, 'But we will not boast of things without our measure (Greek metron, i.e. place of spiritual authority and jurisdiction), but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you' (2 Cor 10:13 KJV). Apostolic churches are set in cities and given to territories with spiritual jurisdiction given by the Holy Spirit.
Boldness is a trait of apostolic churches. They are as bold as lions (Prov 28:1) as they demonstrate a fearless when persecution, threatenings, and suffering arise because of the gospel (Phil 1:14, 1 Th 2:2, Acts 4:29). The Holy Spirit loves boldness. To be bold shows a readiness to take risks, face danger, be daring and fearless. It is not a boldness worked up by man's soul but, in fact, is an evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of his grace.
The religious church has a caretaker mentality with a don't-rock-the-boat mindset. It's cold, quiet, and formal. Where the pastor has been selected by some pulpit committee based on his religious education, affiliation or degrees, whose office walls are filled with plaques of men's recognition confirming that they have made the right choice. This is a church where you can have two lives, a religious one and a secular one. This is the 'bless me only, but don't ask me to change, become involved, grow, mature, advance, pursue, increase, or do anything' church. It is full of those with spiritual religious sayings and flattery, smooth talkers with vain words. This is a church where sin is seldom addressed and a false love covers the unrepentant, rebellious and defiant. This is the church where one can do according to his own deceitful heart's desire with no accountabililty required. The apostolic church is religion's worst nightmare."
Apostolic churches have a spiritual strength and fortitude that transcends any natural ability. Not only do they possess an apostolic grit but they impart the same fortitude into those who join themselves with them. God told Zerubbabel, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zec 4:6 KJV) The spiritual strength of an apostolic church is the divine capacity given by the Holy Spirit that empowers the church to be vigorous, advance, grow, press on, increase, break through and move forward. It is the power to endure hardship, resist hindrances and obstacles while remaining steadfast, faithful, firm and durable. It is truly the grace of God
As soon as you walk into an apostolic church you can tell there is something different. What's going on? The atmosphere is charged with faith for miracles. Apostolic churches are set to flow in signs, wonders, and miracles. Altar calls for divine healing and the laying on of hands is common. God has never withdrawn his gifts and supernatural presence from his church.
The core group of apostolic churches are filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed for an active and effective Spirit life ministry. They understand there is no way to handle the extreme pressure and gospel opposition in our lives without the free gift of Jesus' dumanis power to witness, the Holy Spirit Himself. We must be baptized with fire. Where others may struggle in this, apostolic churches have the grace upon them to help people get easily baptized in the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist stated, 'I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchest of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire' (Luke 3:16 KJV). Jesus is our baptized!
An earmark of apostolic churches is their spiritual understanding of boundaries and assigned territories. They have a unique and heart-felt burden for their assignments. The Apostle Paul describes this territory like this, 'But we will not boast of things without our measure (Greek metron, i.e. place of spiritual authority and jurisdiction), but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you' (2 Cor 10:13 KJV). Apostolic churches are set in cities and given to territories with spiritual jurisdiction given by the Holy Spirit.
Boldness is a trait of apostolic churches. They are as bold as lions (Prov 28:1) as they demonstrate a fearless when persecution, threatenings, and suffering arise because of the gospel (Phil 1:14, 1 Th 2:2, Acts 4:29). The Holy Spirit loves boldness. To be bold shows a readiness to take risks, face danger, be daring and fearless. It is not a boldness worked up by man's soul but, in fact, is an evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of his grace.
The religious church has a caretaker mentality with a don't-rock-the-boat mindset. It's cold, quiet, and formal. Where the pastor has been selected by some pulpit committee based on his religious education, affiliation or degrees, whose office walls are filled with plaques of men's recognition confirming that they have made the right choice. This is a church where you can have two lives, a religious one and a secular one. This is the 'bless me only, but don't ask me to change, become involved, grow, mature, advance, pursue, increase, or do anything' church. It is full of those with spiritual religious sayings and flattery, smooth talkers with vain words. This is a church where sin is seldom addressed and a false love covers the unrepentant, rebellious and defiant. This is the church where one can do according to his own deceitful heart's desire with no accountabililty required. The apostolic church is religion's worst nightmare."
Pastor to enlighten listeners on what Bible says on sex
The Rev. John Renken, pastor of Xtreme Ministries on Fort Campbell Boulevard, leaps this morning into territory many Christian churches avoid.
Starting 11 a.m. today and running for five weeks, Renken's sermons will be about sex, in a series he calls "Sex in the City." Although he will illuminate what the Bible has to say on the topic, he's also interested in discussing the real struggles Clarksvillians are facing today — pornography addictions, infidelity, children exposed to sexual and violent images, unfulfilling sexual relationships.
"A complaint I hear about Christian churches is they don't talk about the issues, they cover them up," Renken says.
"If there is an issue, it needs to be discussed. It needs to be brought into the light. And I want to help."
Renken reveals the topic for each meeting:
· 11 a.m. today — The Sexual State of our City. "The first of five sermons, this one will lay the ground work for the rest of the series," Renken says. "I will be covering (recent) statistics in comparison to what the Bible has to say about how we should live."
· 8 a.m. Sept. 1 — Porn and Pancake Breakfast for men at Shoney's on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard. "In this breakfast guest speaker Matthew Starks from Pure Life Revolution will be discussing with men the adverse effects of pornography in their marriages, in their sexual life, and in their spiritual life," Renken says. "He will also be discussing how to break the bondage associated with pornography."
* 11 a.m. Sept. 2 — Porn Sunday. "I will share how our society has been attacked and is suffering from pornography," Renken says. "Once again we will be talking about how to break the addiction."
* 11 a.m. Sept. 9 — Sex According to the Bible ... a Look at the Book of Solomon. "In this sermon we will take a serious look at the Song of Solomon and what it has to say in regards to sex," Renken says.
* 11 a.m. Sept. 16 — Q&A. "This is where people can bring all their questions ... and I mean all," Renken says.
* 11 a.m. Sept. 23 — How to have the Best Sex Possible. Renken says he will reveal the keys to having the most fulfilling sex life possible.
The 34-year-old preacher and father of three says he hopes the "Sex in the City" series will help individuals, couples and Clarksville as a whole.
"I see what's going on in our community and I want to make a stand," Renken says. "We have hidden this stuff for far too long."
Stacy Smith Segovia can be reached at 245-0720 or by e-mail at stacysegovia@theleafchronicle.com.
The Rev. John Renken, pastor of Xtreme Ministries on Fort Campbell Boulevard, leaps this morning into territory many Christian churches avoid.
Starting 11 a.m. today and running for five weeks, Renken's sermons will be about sex, in a series he calls "Sex in the City." Although he will illuminate what the Bible has to say on the topic, he's also interested in discussing the real struggles Clarksvillians are facing today — pornography addictions, infidelity, children exposed to sexual and violent images, unfulfilling sexual relationships.
"A complaint I hear about Christian churches is they don't talk about the issues, they cover them up," Renken says.
"If there is an issue, it needs to be discussed. It needs to be brought into the light. And I want to help."
Renken reveals the topic for each meeting:
· 11 a.m. today — The Sexual State of our City. "The first of five sermons, this one will lay the ground work for the rest of the series," Renken says. "I will be covering (recent) statistics in comparison to what the Bible has to say about how we should live."
· 8 a.m. Sept. 1 — Porn and Pancake Breakfast for men at Shoney's on Wilma Rudolph Boulevard. "In this breakfast guest speaker Matthew Starks from Pure Life Revolution will be discussing with men the adverse effects of pornography in their marriages, in their sexual life, and in their spiritual life," Renken says. "He will also be discussing how to break the bondage associated with pornography."
* 11 a.m. Sept. 2 — Porn Sunday. "I will share how our society has been attacked and is suffering from pornography," Renken says. "Once again we will be talking about how to break the addiction."
* 11 a.m. Sept. 9 — Sex According to the Bible ... a Look at the Book of Solomon. "In this sermon we will take a serious look at the Song of Solomon and what it has to say in regards to sex," Renken says.
* 11 a.m. Sept. 16 — Q&A. "This is where people can bring all their questions ... and I mean all," Renken says.
* 11 a.m. Sept. 23 — How to have the Best Sex Possible. Renken says he will reveal the keys to having the most fulfilling sex life possible.
The 34-year-old preacher and father of three says he hopes the "Sex in the City" series will help individuals, couples and Clarksville as a whole.
"I see what's going on in our community and I want to make a stand," Renken says. "We have hidden this stuff for far too long."
Stacy Smith Segovia can be reached at 245-0720 or by e-mail at stacysegovia@theleafchronicle.com.
Taking a look at 'Sex in the City'Father of 3, fighter, former soldier says porn becoming more of a problem
Sex. Without it, none of us would be here.
We do it in private, behind closed doors, but sex is in our faces everywhere we go — in advertising, movies, popular music, magazines and on the Internet. John Renken says with all these unrealistic images of sex swirling around us every day, there's a desperate need for real, honest discussion of sex and its meaning in the lives of Clarksvillians.
Starting today and continuing in September, Renken will lead a five-week series of discussions about sex, called "Sex in the City." He will discuss pornography and answer any and all sex-related questions posed to him, including how to have the best sex possible.
The twist?
Renken is a Christian minister, the leader of a local church, Xtreme Ministries. A 34-year-old father of three small children, Renken is also a former Fort Campbell soldier, a former Satanist, and a current ultimate fighter, competing in and training others for no-holds-barred fights.
Because of his work as owner of Clarksville Mixed Martial Arts Academy, his background in the military and the location of his church/gymnasium on Fort Campbell Boulevard, Renken meets hundreds of soldiers every year. He says he sees among them, as well as among the larger population, a frightening increase in the consumption of pornography.
"We spend more on pornography in a year than we spend on baseball, basketball or football. Americans rent upwards of 800 million pornographic videos in a year," Renken says. "And pornography is getting far more violent and nonconsensual."
"Nonconsensual" is a key differentiator for Renken. He says the men he brutalizes in the ring as an ultimate fighter are there completely by their own choice, and beating them to a pulp is an entirely different act from hitting a stranger on the street or forcing a woman to have sex against her will.
"To be violent meant to literally violate someone," Renken says. "In Ultimate Fighting Championships, you have two adults who are not violating one another. A lot of those guys I've shared blood with, then gone out and had a pizza."
People seek out violent pornography when nonviolent pornography no longer turns them on, just as drug addicts must escalate to higher doses and stronger drugs to attain the same high that initially enticed them.
"I've counseled people who are addicted to pornography, and now they're less able to perform (sexually). Pornography in a less aggressive form can regress into a violent form, and it makes sense that it can regress into child pornography," Renken says. "I watched a special with Diane Sawyer and a porn star. The porn star (said she) was in a scene, and the guy reached down and started beating her. This is what people are buying. We don't think that's damaging? We don't think that's damaging to our children?"
Renken says even much milder forms of pornography, such as Playboy magazine, cause problems in families and break up marriages.
"Let's be honest. Those women aren't natural. They're enhanced. They're spray-painted. I haven't seen that much plastic since I walked down the Tupperware aisle at Wal-Mart — lips, butts, boobs," Renken says. "No one can measure up to that. We're making our women into objects. People don't want to talk about the ramifications of this."
Even super-romantic love scenes in a PG-13 movie can make couples feel like failures, Renken says.
"Have you ever had a kiss or a sex scene like that? It makes the married couple feel unfulfilled, like their marriage doesn't live up," he says. "The garbage that's being put out — it's propaganda. What you see is not reality. The top two causes of divorce are sex and money. In pornography, the woman is always willing, always ready; she's a sex goddess. If you have to compete with a porno star, how are you gonna fare? Women get headaches, men get tired from work."
Renken isn't a total killjoy. He says rather than focus so much of their sexual energy on outside stimuli, people in committed, monogamous, married relationships need to focus that energy on accepting and loving each other.
"Is there anything wrong with me looking at a naked woman? No, not if that woman is my wife," Renken says.
It's possible to find guilt-free glory and great pleasure in a sexual relationship.
"If God made sex for procreation only, he wouldn't have made it so fun," Renken says. "Sex came before the fall. God says it's good. So why can't we talk about it in a pure, holy way? Why can't we be open about it?
Stacy Smith Segovia is a features writer for The Leaf-Chronicle. She can be reached at 245-0720 or by e-mail at stacysegovia@theleafchronicle.com.
Pray for Lori Goldman
Please pray for Lori Goldman her father passed away yesterday.
Lori's father had a quad bypass about a year and a half ago. Seemed to be doing well, but had a lousy family history for coronary disease. Yesterday, he was unhooking the tow car and had a massive coronary attack.
Lori's father had a quad bypass about a year and a half ago. Seemed to be doing well, but had a lousy family history for coronary disease. Yesterday, he was unhooking the tow car and had a massive coronary attack.
AUGUST 5TH at 11:00 AM Dr. Tim Jenney will be speaking
AUGUST 12TH at 11:00 AM at Billy Dunlap Park we will be doing a Public Baptism
AUGUST 19TH at 11:00 AM we will begin our SEX IN THE CITY SERIES
AUGUST 24TH at 7:00 PM Prophet Clem Ferris will be speaking in an open meeting
AUGUST 26TH at 11:00 AM Prophet Clem Ferris will be speaking in Sunday Morning service
SEPTEMBER 2nd at 11:00 AM SEX IN THE CITY SERIES continues at 11:00 am
See everyone there.
AUGUST 12TH at 11:00 AM at Billy Dunlap Park we will be doing a Public Baptism
AUGUST 19TH at 11:00 AM we will begin our SEX IN THE CITY SERIES
AUGUST 24TH at 7:00 PM Prophet Clem Ferris will be speaking in an open meeting
AUGUST 26TH at 11:00 AM Prophet Clem Ferris will be speaking in Sunday Morning service
SEPTEMBER 2nd at 11:00 AM SEX IN THE CITY SERIES continues at 11:00 am
See everyone there.
Earmarks of an Apostolic Church PIII
As I have been reading this book 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Churches I have been amazed as I see these qualities in the lives of the people of Xtreme. The laity, the everyday Joe, the people who attend on Sundays YOU ARE CALLED TO BE THE MINISTERS! I am very excited about all that God is doing in the lives of our people. As you read through these traits think about how they apply to our church, but also you individually. Remember the ministry is your workplace, your home, your neighborhood, not some church you attend on Sunday morning.
1. Set the Pace
"Apostolic churches are always doing something progressive as they move forward in the things of God. They are better understood if looked upon as God's pace setters. A pace setter is one that leads the way and set the pace for others to follow. In motor sport racing there is a certain car used to set the pace for the racers before the actual race begins. As they follow this car they get up to the correct speed for the race. This pace car can be likened to the progressive movement of an apostolic church."
2. Send
"Apostolic churches will send you forth on ministry assignments. To be sent forth (stello) and out from (apo) an apostolic church is the highest calling for a believer. It is vital to understand that in the New Testament apostolic churches people are not being trained to be separated from the local church forever. We have a misconception of using churches for their ability to raise us up to pursue our own ministries. God forbid! Sent, never to return again, is seldom, if ever, God's plan. Throughout Paul's ministry we see him continue to return to his home base, the apostolic church in Antioch, rather than his hometown of Tarsus."
3. Plant
"Notice that Paul said that he planted. When an apostle plants it is more than planting a new church, it also refers to the planting of a believer. The planting of a believer in an apostolic church is vital to one's spiritual growth and effectiveness. In order for plants to flourish, they must be planted in good soil that is needed for growth and maturity. Good soil is that which has been plowed, prepared and made ready for seed. To be planted means to be set or firmly fixed in position. Plants have roots and apostolic churches will challenge you to be planted in the house of God, and to become active in the life and vision of the local church. Today many people are not planted at all or they have been planted in the wrong places. Allow yourself to be planted in an apostolic church where you can mature and bring glory to our Lord."
4. Multi-Cultural
"The church in Antioch was made up of every culture represented in the city. There were Africans, Greeks, Syrians, and Jews (Acts 13:1). Those that attend apostolic churches come from various cultures represented throughout their cities. These churches are multi-national, heterogeneous, and are full of believers that have conquered racism and prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived and usually unfavorable idea or opinion of others. It leads to hatred and intolerance of other races and cultures. In apostolic churches the wall of separation has been abolished by love one for another."
5. Set Order
"There are natural and spiritual things that need to be set in order. Apostolic churches will not tolerate things in disarray, neither spiritually nor naturally. Paul also said "Let all things be done decently and in order." (1 Cor 14:40) The word order is the Greek word taxis. This is where we get the English word taxi, like in a taxi cab. This order (taxis) has nothing to do with control but rather creates a structure for a proper flow of spiritual things. It is creating an order that the Holy Spirit likes to flow in. Apostolic churches understand how to set the house in order."
1. Set the Pace
"Apostolic churches are always doing something progressive as they move forward in the things of God. They are better understood if looked upon as God's pace setters. A pace setter is one that leads the way and set the pace for others to follow. In motor sport racing there is a certain car used to set the pace for the racers before the actual race begins. As they follow this car they get up to the correct speed for the race. This pace car can be likened to the progressive movement of an apostolic church."
2. Send
"Apostolic churches will send you forth on ministry assignments. To be sent forth (stello) and out from (apo) an apostolic church is the highest calling for a believer. It is vital to understand that in the New Testament apostolic churches people are not being trained to be separated from the local church forever. We have a misconception of using churches for their ability to raise us up to pursue our own ministries. God forbid! Sent, never to return again, is seldom, if ever, God's plan. Throughout Paul's ministry we see him continue to return to his home base, the apostolic church in Antioch, rather than his hometown of Tarsus."
3. Plant
"Notice that Paul said that he planted. When an apostle plants it is more than planting a new church, it also refers to the planting of a believer. The planting of a believer in an apostolic church is vital to one's spiritual growth and effectiveness. In order for plants to flourish, they must be planted in good soil that is needed for growth and maturity. Good soil is that which has been plowed, prepared and made ready for seed. To be planted means to be set or firmly fixed in position. Plants have roots and apostolic churches will challenge you to be planted in the house of God, and to become active in the life and vision of the local church. Today many people are not planted at all or they have been planted in the wrong places. Allow yourself to be planted in an apostolic church where you can mature and bring glory to our Lord."
4. Multi-Cultural
"The church in Antioch was made up of every culture represented in the city. There were Africans, Greeks, Syrians, and Jews (Acts 13:1). Those that attend apostolic churches come from various cultures represented throughout their cities. These churches are multi-national, heterogeneous, and are full of believers that have conquered racism and prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived and usually unfavorable idea or opinion of others. It leads to hatred and intolerance of other races and cultures. In apostolic churches the wall of separation has been abolished by love one for another."
5. Set Order
"There are natural and spiritual things that need to be set in order. Apostolic churches will not tolerate things in disarray, neither spiritually nor naturally. Paul also said "Let all things be done decently and in order." (1 Cor 14:40) The word order is the Greek word taxis. This is where we get the English word taxi, like in a taxi cab. This order (taxis) has nothing to do with control but rather creates a structure for a proper flow of spiritual things. It is creating an order that the Holy Spirit likes to flow in. Apostolic churches understand how to set the house in order."
Dr. Jenny teaching on Revelation at Xtreme
Hey everyone just a quick reminder that Dr. Tim Jenny will be teaching tomorrow night at Xtreme Ministries at 7:30 PM. Dont miss this opportunity to hear this awesome and pratical explanation of Revelation. Here is an excerpt from his commentary found in the Full Life Bible Commentary.
"Many people have observed that the Fourth Gospel contains no apocalyptic eschatology (unlike the Synoptics) and none of Jesus' extensive teachings on his return (e.g. Matt. 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 17). Instead, it emphasizes how to live the Christian life on earth. In our opinion, this is also the message of Revelation: how to live like a Christian and how to die like one. Its apocalyptic language and imagery are only the vehicle, not the message. Its message is prophetic, and very little of it was actually futuristic. John reminds his audience that God shares in their suffering and promises to deliver them soon. In the meantime, they are to strive to be 'faithful witnesses' and to worship the real King of kings and Lord of lords...People want to know something about the future, Christians no less than others. Unfortunately, many Christians have tried to forces answers from Revelation it was never designed to gie. It was written to teach us how to live for God in the present, not to provide raw material for idle speculation about the future. We will earn far more if we let this book shape our agenda, rather than forcing it to submit to ours. (Full Life Bible Commentary 1535,1542)."
Our services for this guest speaker are Wednesday night at 7:30 PM, Saturday at 12:00 PM and Sunday morning at 11:00 AM
Our address is 1596 Ft. Campbell Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042 next door to the Queen City Beauty College.
Also visit us on our website www.xtremeministries.com
"Many people have observed that the Fourth Gospel contains no apocalyptic eschatology (unlike the Synoptics) and none of Jesus' extensive teachings on his return (e.g. Matt. 24-25; Mark 13; Luke 17). Instead, it emphasizes how to live the Christian life on earth. In our opinion, this is also the message of Revelation: how to live like a Christian and how to die like one. Its apocalyptic language and imagery are only the vehicle, not the message. Its message is prophetic, and very little of it was actually futuristic. John reminds his audience that God shares in their suffering and promises to deliver them soon. In the meantime, they are to strive to be 'faithful witnesses' and to worship the real King of kings and Lord of lords...People want to know something about the future, Christians no less than others. Unfortunately, many Christians have tried to forces answers from Revelation it was never designed to gie. It was written to teach us how to live for God in the present, not to provide raw material for idle speculation about the future. We will earn far more if we let this book shape our agenda, rather than forcing it to submit to ours. (Full Life Bible Commentary 1535,1542)."
Our services for this guest speaker are Wednesday night at 7:30 PM, Saturday at 12:00 PM and Sunday morning at 11:00 AM
Our address is 1596 Ft. Campbell Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37042 next door to the Queen City Beauty College.
Also visit us on our website www.xtremeministries.com
Please Pray for Mike and Lori Goldman
Hey everyone Mike and Lori are having a difficult time with health and work issues. Please pray that God would heal Mike and give comfort to Lori in this difficult time.
Prayer for Gloria Cotten
Hey everyone just got this from one of Michael's intercessors. Please be praying for Gloria.
"July 20, 200710:55 am
Dear Team,I just received a call from Michael and Gloria Cotten. Gloria has continue to have headaches since her hospitalization for meningitis several weeks ago. Last night her temperature went up to 102 and she is now on her way to her regular doctor in Cary. Please be in prayer for her and for Michael. Updates will follow as information becomes available.Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding, abundantly more than we can think or imagine...be glory forever!"
"July 20, 200710:55 am
Dear Team,I just received a call from Michael and Gloria Cotten. Gloria has continue to have headaches since her hospitalization for meningitis several weeks ago. Last night her temperature went up to 102 and she is now on her way to her regular doctor in Cary. Please be in prayer for her and for Michael. Updates will follow as information becomes available.Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding, abundantly more than we can think or imagine...be glory forever!"
Hey everyone just a quick reminder of the events that we have coming at Xtreme Ministries
July 29th I will be preaching at Lighthouse Ministries
August 1st at 730 PM, August 4th at 12:00 PM, and Sunday service at 11:00am
Dr. Tim Jenny author of the Full Life Bible Study Commentary on the Book of Revelation will be speaking at our church on the Book of Revelation and its application for life today. He is an awesome guy who really understands the Grace and Mercy of God. You wont want to miss this teaching on Revelation. I have read lots of stuff and heard lots of sermons on this topic, but none come close to the very down to earth exposition that Dr. Jenny gives on this book of the Bible.
August 12th or August 19th in case of xtreme weather conditions. The time is TBD
Baptism Celebration. We will be baptizing about 10 people at the Billy Dunlap Park off of Needmore Rd. Immediately following the Baptism will be an afternoon filled with food, fun, and sports. Please invite everyone you know to partake in such an important event in the lives of these new Christians.
August 19th or September 2nd
Immediately following our Baptism we will be starting our Sex in the City Series. This is a 5 week sermon series that will address sexual issues in the church. Topics will include: The sexual state of our city, Pornography, Sex according to the Bible…a look at the book of Song of Solomon, How to have the Best Sex possible, and a Q&A session where the congregation can ask all the questions they have concerning sex in the Christian Life.
August 24th-26th
At the end of the month of August we will be having the Prophet Clem Ferris back. Friday night Clem will be speaking at 7:00PM and then Sunday Service at 11:00 am. If you have never heard Clem Ferris preach and prophesy you wont want miss this!
August 25th Clarksville Prayer Group
September 9th I will be preaching at Brother Gary Kenny’s church Faith Christian Center
July 29th I will be preaching at Lighthouse Ministries
August 1st at 730 PM, August 4th at 12:00 PM, and Sunday service at 11:00am
Dr. Tim Jenny author of the Full Life Bible Study Commentary on the Book of Revelation will be speaking at our church on the Book of Revelation and its application for life today. He is an awesome guy who really understands the Grace and Mercy of God. You wont want to miss this teaching on Revelation. I have read lots of stuff and heard lots of sermons on this topic, but none come close to the very down to earth exposition that Dr. Jenny gives on this book of the Bible.
August 12th or August 19th in case of xtreme weather conditions. The time is TBD
Baptism Celebration. We will be baptizing about 10 people at the Billy Dunlap Park off of Needmore Rd. Immediately following the Baptism will be an afternoon filled with food, fun, and sports. Please invite everyone you know to partake in such an important event in the lives of these new Christians.
August 19th or September 2nd
Immediately following our Baptism we will be starting our Sex in the City Series. This is a 5 week sermon series that will address sexual issues in the church. Topics will include: The sexual state of our city, Pornography, Sex according to the Bible…a look at the book of Song of Solomon, How to have the Best Sex possible, and a Q&A session where the congregation can ask all the questions they have concerning sex in the Christian Life.
August 24th-26th
At the end of the month of August we will be having the Prophet Clem Ferris back. Friday night Clem will be speaking at 7:00PM and then Sunday Service at 11:00 am. If you have never heard Clem Ferris preach and prophesy you wont want miss this!
August 25th Clarksville Prayer Group
September 9th I will be preaching at Brother Gary Kenny’s church Faith Christian Center
Marks of Apostolic Churches Part II
Last week we took a couple of the qualities of Apostolic Churches from the book 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Church. This week we will look at a few more.
1. Impart and Stir gifts
"It is quite common for apostolic churches to have altar calls where people come forward for blessing as well as an impartation through the ministry of laying on of hands. This impartation can be for blessing (Gen 48:14-16), wisdom and authority (Deu 34:9), healing (Matt 8:3), for the deaf (Mark 7:32), for signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), to receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17-19), to send out (Acts 13:3), for prophecy (Acts 19:6), special miracles (Acts 19:11-12) and many more reasons.
2. Pioneers
"The word first in reference to the apostles is the Greek word proton meaning, those who are first in time or place. Apostolic churches are proton churches who will, through faith, press into the unknown and unfamiliar territories in the realm of the Spirit. They are the ones divinely called to go first. They press through the dimensions that might feel uncomfortable to the religious so as to make a way for others to follow. Apostolic churches as proton believers have an anointing to breakthrough and to clear a path for others to follow.
3. Team Ministry
"Our culture values individual accomplishment, and encourages and promotes individualism. In life we typically compete against one another in efforts for job advancements, sports, and all sorts of other activities. This is not so within apostolic churches who will not promote some sort of individual stardom. Apostolic churches are champions of cooperation and not competition. They understand the unique value of every member in the church. Although it is appropriate to acknowledge that there are team leaders, the success of the team does not depend on one team member alone."
4. Builders
"Apostolic churches are masterbuilders in the realm of the spirit. After the spirit work is complete it then manifests in the natural. Much work is done preparing the foundation. When a building is built, what the structure rests upon must be solid and able to withstand the weight of the building. The Holy Spirit gives these masterbuilders revelation and strategies. They teach the church the value of being interrelated, codependent, networkers, who are called to make a way for apostolic direction, sending and empowerment. They are apostolic fathers to a fatherless generation. They lead the church as a front-line, cutting edge, battlefield soldiers and pioneers for Christ, preparing the church for a glorious future."
5. Spiritual Fathers
"I come from a generation of preachers who grew up in the ministry without the benefit of a spiritual father. Like thousand of others we have had to glean whatever information we could through books, tapes, videos, seminars, conferences and brief encounters with men of God as they are hurried off platforms and away from people. How I often wonder how much more effective I might have become if I would have had someone who was not so busy to take a personal interest in the call of God on my life. Apostolic churches carry the heart of a father, just as the Apostle Paul had a vested interest in the success of his spiritual son Timothy, and they too, will be concerned with your success. Become a spiritual son or daughter in the house of God and let that apostolic fathering spirit build you up."
"Under our current traditional method of having 'church' we do everything we can to draw people to our buildings for services. An inherent danger with that model is the continual shuffling of religious people from one church to the next. Unfortunately, we still have not come into the understanding of going out and compelling them to come in. Jesus said 'go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled' (Luke 14:23 KJV). Apostolic churches keep evangelism at the forefront of their purpose. They break out of the four walls of the sanctuary onto the streets and into the homes carrying the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an apostolic church, it is not about bringing the lost to the church for the pastor to lead them in the sinner's prayer, but rather to take the gospel to them (Acts 2:14, 5:12, 6:8, 8:5)
1. Impart and Stir gifts
"It is quite common for apostolic churches to have altar calls where people come forward for blessing as well as an impartation through the ministry of laying on of hands. This impartation can be for blessing (Gen 48:14-16), wisdom and authority (Deu 34:9), healing (Matt 8:3), for the deaf (Mark 7:32), for signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), to receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 8:17-19), to send out (Acts 13:3), for prophecy (Acts 19:6), special miracles (Acts 19:11-12) and many more reasons.
2. Pioneers
"The word first in reference to the apostles is the Greek word proton meaning, those who are first in time or place. Apostolic churches are proton churches who will, through faith, press into the unknown and unfamiliar territories in the realm of the Spirit. They are the ones divinely called to go first. They press through the dimensions that might feel uncomfortable to the religious so as to make a way for others to follow. Apostolic churches as proton believers have an anointing to breakthrough and to clear a path for others to follow.
3. Team Ministry
"Our culture values individual accomplishment, and encourages and promotes individualism. In life we typically compete against one another in efforts for job advancements, sports, and all sorts of other activities. This is not so within apostolic churches who will not promote some sort of individual stardom. Apostolic churches are champions of cooperation and not competition. They understand the unique value of every member in the church. Although it is appropriate to acknowledge that there are team leaders, the success of the team does not depend on one team member alone."
4. Builders
"Apostolic churches are masterbuilders in the realm of the spirit. After the spirit work is complete it then manifests in the natural. Much work is done preparing the foundation. When a building is built, what the structure rests upon must be solid and able to withstand the weight of the building. The Holy Spirit gives these masterbuilders revelation and strategies. They teach the church the value of being interrelated, codependent, networkers, who are called to make a way for apostolic direction, sending and empowerment. They are apostolic fathers to a fatherless generation. They lead the church as a front-line, cutting edge, battlefield soldiers and pioneers for Christ, preparing the church for a glorious future."
5. Spiritual Fathers
"I come from a generation of preachers who grew up in the ministry without the benefit of a spiritual father. Like thousand of others we have had to glean whatever information we could through books, tapes, videos, seminars, conferences and brief encounters with men of God as they are hurried off platforms and away from people. How I often wonder how much more effective I might have become if I would have had someone who was not so busy to take a personal interest in the call of God on my life. Apostolic churches carry the heart of a father, just as the Apostle Paul had a vested interest in the success of his spiritual son Timothy, and they too, will be concerned with your success. Become a spiritual son or daughter in the house of God and let that apostolic fathering spirit build you up."
"Under our current traditional method of having 'church' we do everything we can to draw people to our buildings for services. An inherent danger with that model is the continual shuffling of religious people from one church to the next. Unfortunately, we still have not come into the understanding of going out and compelling them to come in. Jesus said 'go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled' (Luke 14:23 KJV). Apostolic churches keep evangelism at the forefront of their purpose. They break out of the four walls of the sanctuary onto the streets and into the homes carrying the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In an apostolic church, it is not about bringing the lost to the church for the pastor to lead them in the sinner's prayer, but rather to take the gospel to them (Acts 2:14, 5:12, 6:8, 8:5)
Hey guys Mike Goldman is having complications with his surgery and back in the hospital. Please pray for him and his speedy recovery.
Hey everyone dont forget about Dave Bunker preaching at Xtreme this weekend. Dave Bunker is one of the keynote speakers for Godmen.
Marks of an Apostolic Church Part I
I was reading a book called 50 Earmarks of an Apostolic Church by Jonas Clark and it had an awesome description of what is an Apostolic Church. I would recommend getting this book and reading it and considering what type of Church you serve in. I would like to comment on some of the characteristics that an Apostolic church will have which are:
1. They will have a Reforming Spirit
"They have a high level of spiritual boldness as they oppose and tear down religious idolatry, form and vain religious traditions. They are highly committed adn dedicated to advancing the cause of Christ. They attack the giants in the land of religion, divination, racism, witchcraft, antichrist, Jezebel, etc. Apostolic churches carry spiritual authority, use it, and have a vision for reachign all nationals with the gospel."
2. They will be Free
"There is a bondage that comes from false precepts to our approach to God. Religion has taught us that God is so holy that He must be approached in some kind of humble, quiet, and religiously pious way. Apostolic churches have a divine ability to destroy the yoke of religious condemnation and legalism that hinder people from freedom to enter into worship and praise towards the Lord"
3. They will be Warriors
"Apostolic Churches attract, recruit, gather, train, and prepare the saints for spiritual battle"
4. They will be Working Churches
"This is not the spectator type of ministry. When you come into an apostolic church, they will probably put you to work pretty soon. An apostolic ministry is that which rolls up its shirt sleeves, get down in the trenches and is not afraid to get their hands dirty."
5. They will give Identity
"There is such a struggle today with people who are grasping for their identity. They are so uncertain about themselves, their relationships, their self-worth, and their purpose...Apostles and apostolic churches bring identity to those who are wondering where they fit it...Apostolic churches will help to bring you into a place of identity that will give you a sense of connection and purpose."
1. They will have a Reforming Spirit
"They have a high level of spiritual boldness as they oppose and tear down religious idolatry, form and vain religious traditions. They are highly committed adn dedicated to advancing the cause of Christ. They attack the giants in the land of religion, divination, racism, witchcraft, antichrist, Jezebel, etc. Apostolic churches carry spiritual authority, use it, and have a vision for reachign all nationals with the gospel."
2. They will be Free
"There is a bondage that comes from false precepts to our approach to God. Religion has taught us that God is so holy that He must be approached in some kind of humble, quiet, and religiously pious way. Apostolic churches have a divine ability to destroy the yoke of religious condemnation and legalism that hinder people from freedom to enter into worship and praise towards the Lord"
3. They will be Warriors
"Apostolic Churches attract, recruit, gather, train, and prepare the saints for spiritual battle"
4. They will be Working Churches
"This is not the spectator type of ministry. When you come into an apostolic church, they will probably put you to work pretty soon. An apostolic ministry is that which rolls up its shirt sleeves, get down in the trenches and is not afraid to get their hands dirty."
5. They will give Identity
"There is such a struggle today with people who are grasping for their identity. They are so uncertain about themselves, their relationships, their self-worth, and their purpose...Apostles and apostolic churches bring identity to those who are wondering where they fit it...Apostolic churches will help to bring you into a place of identity that will give you a sense of connection and purpose."
Books for July
Simply Strategic Growth...Attracting a Crowd to Your Church by Tim Stevens and Tony Morgan.
The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio
Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender
Spiritual Warfare for every Christian by Dean Sherman
The Bondage Breaker Neil Anderson
Victory Over Darkness Neil Anderson
The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio
Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender
Spiritual Warfare for every Christian by Dean Sherman
The Bondage Breaker Neil Anderson
Victory Over Darkness Neil Anderson
Hey everyone there is a rumor going around that a group plans on shooting someone at the mall 6/30/07. We will be meeting at 1:30pm to pray against this plan of the enemy.
Gloria Cotten
June 28
The test results are finally in and do show that Gloria has viral meningitis. She is still on massive doses of antibiotics but is improving.Thank you for your prayers.
The test results are finally in and do show that Gloria has viral meningitis. She is still on massive doses of antibiotics but is improving.Thank you for your prayers.
Hey everyone just a quick reminder that tonight at the Coffee Shop at 7:00 pm is the "What's So Amazing About Grace" Bible Study. This is one of the greatest books ever written and will seriously bless you.
Also remember that Katie and Kelly have the young adults Bible study at their apartment on Thursday nights and if you need more information you can email me or the gym to get directions and stuff.
Finally in July Dave Bunker of Godmen will be our guest speaker at the church. He will be speaking on Father Issues.
Also remember that Katie and Kelly have the young adults Bible study at their apartment on Thursday nights and if you need more information you can email me or the gym to get directions and stuff.
Finally in July Dave Bunker of Godmen will be our guest speaker at the church. He will be speaking on Father Issues.
Gloria Cotten
Hey everyone we have a serious prayer request in the GCI body. Gloria Cotten is in the hospital and it is serious. I have the email on my other computer so I dont have all the details but please pray for her health.
Pastor Renken.
Pastor Renken.
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Reading for May and June
- 7 Practices of Effective Ministry by Andy Stanley
- It Can Be Done by Tod Bell
- End Time Warriors by John Kelly The
- Church in the New Testament by Kevin Conner
- The Interlinear Bible by Hendrickson
- The New Englishman's Greek Concordance and Lexicon by Wigram-Green
- Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon by J.H. Thayer
- The New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance by Wigram
- The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew-English Lexicon by Brown-Driver-Briggs
- The Full Life Bible Commentary to the New Testament: How to Read the Bible for All its Worth by Fee
- The IVP Bible Background Commentary both Old and New Testaments
- Love and Respect by Eggerichs
- Cracking the Communication Code by Eggerichs
- The 5 Love Langauges by Gary Chapman
- His Needs, Her Needs by Harley Fall in Love, Stay in Love by Harley
- Every Womans Desire by Arterburn and Stoeker
- Rekindling the Romance by Rainey Intimate Issues by Dillow and Pintus
- Intended for Pleasure by Wheat
- The Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey
- What's so Amazing about Grace by Phillip Yancey
- Grace Walk by Mcvey
- Grace Rules by Mcvey
- Raggamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
- Grace by R.T. Kendall
- More Jesus Less Religion by Arterburn and Felton
- A Scandalous Freedom by Brown
- The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- The Leader in You by Dale Carnegie
- Bringing Out the Best in People by Alan McGinnis
- The Making of a Leader by Frank Damazio
- Doing Church as a Team by Corderio
- Developing the Leaders Around You by John Maxwell
- Developing the Leader in You by John Maxwell
- 25 Ways to Win with People by John Maxwell
- Whale Done by Ken Blanchard Visioneering by Andy Stanley
- Why Men Hate Going to Church by David Murrow
- Wild at Heart by John Eldredge
- No More Christian Nice Guy by Paul Coughlin
- EM Bounds on Prayer by EM Bounds
- Partners in Prayer by John Maxwell
- Intercessors and Pastors by Alice Smith
- Prayer Shield by Peter Wagner
- Warfare Prayer by Peter Wagner
- The Power of Prayer by R.A. Torrey
- The Ministry of Intercession by Andrew Murray
- Intercessor by Grubb Prayer Evangelism by Silvoso
- Beyond the Cosmos by Hugh Ross
- The Genesis Question by Hugh Ross
- Creation and Time by Hugh Ross
- The Creator and the Cosmos by Hugh Ross
- The Fingerprint of God by Hugh Ross
- Darwins Black Box by Behe
- Darwin on Trial by Johnson
- Spiritual Authority by Watchman Nee
- Sit, Walk, Stand by Watchman Nee
- The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee
- Where's God When it Hurts by Phillip Yancey
- Rumors of Another World by Phillip Yancey
- Bait of Satan by John Bevere
- Thus Saith the Lord by John Bevere
- Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere
- Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere
- UnLearning Church by Slaughter
- The Present Future by Mcneal
- The Unstoppable Force by McManus Revolution by Barna
- The Three Battlegrounds by Frangipane
- Simply Strategic Growth Simply Strategic Volunteers
- That None Should Perish by Silvoso
- A Lifestyle of Worship by David Morris
- Called to Radical Devotion by David Morris
- 101 Ways to Reach Your Community by Sjogren
- Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell
- The Apostolic Revelation by John Alley
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